OpenBSD ports

The devel/tllist port

tllist-1.1.0 – Typed Linked List C header file only


tllis is a **T**yped **L**inked **L**ist C header file only
library implemented using pre-processor macros.

## Description

Most C implementations of linked list are untyped. That is, their data
carriers are typically `void *`. This is error prone since your
compiler will not be able to help you correct your mistakes (_oh, was
it a pointer-to-a-pointer... I thought it was just a pointer..._).

**tllist** addresses this by using pre-processor macros to implement
dynamic types, where the data carrier is typed to whatever you want;
both **primitive** data types are supported as well as aggregated ones
such as **structs**, **enums** and **unions**.

Being a double-linked list, most operations are constant in time
(including pushing and popping both to/from front and back).

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Library dependencies

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