OpenBSD ports

The fonts/mixfont-mplus-ipa port

mixfont-mplus-ipa-20060520p7 – high quality Japanese truetype fonts


This port provides several high quality japanese TrueType fonts. 

The IPA fonts:
 - IPAGothic
 - IPAMincho
 - IPAPGothic
 - IPAPMincho
 - IPAUIGothic

Combined M+ and IPA fonts:
 - M+1P+IPAG
 - M+2P+IPAG

Combined M+ and IPA fonts, with enlarged handakuten:
 - M+1P+IPAG circle
 - M+2P+IPAG circle

Combined M+ and IPA fonts, with enlarged handakuten,
monospaced and combined with Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:
 - M+1VM+IPAG circle
 - M+2VM+IPAG circle

fonts japanese x11

Library dependencies

Build dependencies

Run dependencies